What is TPLO surgery?

Aftercare & Rehabilitation

For each surgery performed, specific aftercare and rehabilitation instructions will be created based on your individual pet’s injury, type of surgery, and concurrent medical history. 

Upon discharge, you will be provided personalized at-home instructions including:

  • Information regarding exercise limitations, incisional care and potential complications to observe.

  • Specific rehabilitation exercises that can be performed at home to increase strength, balance and mobility. If you are interested in pursuing formal, outside rehabilitation services, a referral for underwater treadmill and more focused rehabilitation therapies with a veterinary rehabilitation specialist can be coordinated with ease.

  • Adjunct support, including:

    • Post-operative Nocita, 72 hour duration local block for optimal pain control

    • Orthopedic sling to assist with walking and navigating stairs

    • Lick-Sleeve, a wearable dog leg protective covering that minimizes complications from your dog licking the surgical incision