Surgical Services

We offer a variety of elective surgical services that bring specialty care directly to our patients.

Our most common orthopedic surgeries performed include:

  • Tibial plateau leveling osteotomy (TPLO) for cranial cruciate ligament (ACL) tear

  • Patella luxation (MPL) correction (trochleoplasty/sulcoplasty, imbrication, tibial tuberosity transposition, femoral osteotomy)

  • Femoral head & neck excision (FHO) for treatment of hip dysplasia or hip trauma

  • Lateral suture/extracapsular repair/Tightrope for small and toy breed dogs (<20 lb)

  • Emergency fracture repair (via internal fixation with bone plates, external fixators, pin/wire fixations)

  • Surgical management of developmental disorders, such as osteochondrosis (OCD) and joint dysplasia

  • Toggle pin correction of hip (coxofemoral) dislocation

  • Joint fusion via surgical arthrodesis

  • Diagnosis and treatment of soft tissue injuries utilizing musculoskeletal ultrasound and regenerative therapies, such as platelet rich plasma (PRP)

  • Diagnosis and treatment of joint arthritis utilizing intra-articular anti-inflammatories, including PRP

We also offer a variety of elective soft tissue surgeries, including:

  • Complicated external mass or tumor removals

  • Gastropexy for prevention of GDV

  • Airway surgery for brachycephalic dog breeds

  • Urinary surgeries such as perineal or scrotal urethrostomy, urethral prolapse, vulvoplasty

  • Anal sacculectomy, corkscrew tail correction

  • Abdominal procedures such as splenectomy, cystotomy, hernia repair, large/giant breed dog spays

  • Head & neck surgeries such as salivary gland removal, thyroidectomy, ear surgery, tie-back for laryngeal paralysis

Please contact us directly if you would like to inquire on other procedures available, and/or to obtain our current fee schedule (for veterinarians only). Speciality equine surgeries can be considered in collaboration with local equine hospitals on a limited basis.

Our Referral Region

We are based out of Lakeville, MN.

We currently collaborate & serve over 50 partner veterinary clinics in the Twin Cities (Minneapolis/St. Paul) metro & suburbs, as well as southern Minnesota (Rochester & surrounding communities, Mankato & surrounding communities, Northfield/Faribault/Owatonna/Red Wing/Austin/New Ulm/St. James/Fairmont).

We also provide our services to the central Iowa region (Des Moines/Ankeny/Ames), once a month, with our partnership at Creature Comforts Veterinary Hospital (Ankeny, IA).

Depending on our availability, emergency (urgent) orthopedic cases or owners seeking surgery directly with us, outside a referral from their primary veterinarian, may be offered to be seen at a partner emergency center in Apple Valley, MN (South Metro Animal Emergency).

Occasionally, referring to the University of Minnesota/Iowa State University or an outside specialty clinic may be required pending our availability, or if the case needs advanced diagnostics (CT/MRI) or other involved specialists (ie. neurology/oncology/internal medicine, etc).